[Intro. to Psy Course Note] Ch 3

Human Development

How do heredity and environment affect development throughout life ?

  • Heredity: DNA, genes
    • Dominant gene 顯性
    • Recessive gene 隱性
    • 顯性 隱性
      顯性 顯性 顯性
      隱性 顯性 隱性
    • Polygenic traits: traits or properties that are influenced by many genes working in combination
    • Epigenetics 表關遺傳
      • Maturation 成熟: physical growth and development of the body
  • Environment
    • Sum of external conditions that affect a person, especially the effects of learning
    • Congenital(先天) problem: birth defect 天生缺陷
    • Teratogens 畸胎原
      • Anything capable of directly causing birth defect (菸、輻射、毒品、麻醉藥)
      • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
  • Temperament 氣質: the inherited physical “core” of personality
    • Easy children 好養育小孩: relaxed, agreeable
    • Difficult children 難養育小孩: moody, intense, easily angered
    • Slow-to-warm-up 慢吞吞小孩: restrained, unexpressive, shy
    • Remaining children 其他的
    • Parents <=> children 氣質會交互影響
  • Sensitive periods 敏感期: a period of increased sensitivity to environmental influences; also, a time when certain events must occur for normal development to take place
  • Adolescence and adulthood
    • Adolescence: culturally defined period between childhood and adulthood
    • Emerging adulthood 成年萌發期: a socially tolerated period of extended adolescence
    • Subjective well-being 主觀幸福感: general life satisfaction combined with frequent positive emotions and relatively few negative emotions
  • Ageism 年齡歧視: discrimination or prejudice based on a person’s age
    • A tremendous diversity exists among the elderly
  • Five basic reactions to death
    • Denial and isolation
    • Anger (asking, “Why me ?”)
    • Bargaining (with God)
    • Depression
    • Acceptance (if death is not sudden, many will finally accept death calmly)

What are some major milestones of physical development ?

  • Motor development in infancy
    • Increased muscular control occurs in patterns
      • Cenphalocaudal (首尾??): from head to toe
      • Proximodistal (遠近??): from center of the body to the extremities
  • Sensory development in infancy

How does emotional development proceed ?

  • Early social development
    • Attachment (依附理論): strange situation test 陌生情境測試
    • Attachment style
      • secure
      • insecure-avoidant
      • insecure-ambivalent
    • Promoting secure attachment
      • Warm family atmosphere

What are the typical psychosocial tasks and dilemmas through the life span ?

  • Erik Erikson: eight developmental stages confront a person with new developmental tasks or psychosocial dilemmas
    • Developmental tasks: any skill that must be mastered, or personal change that must take place, for optimal development
    • Psychosocial dilemmas: conflict between personal impulses and the social world
    • Stage 1: Trust v.s. Mistrust (0 ~ 1 years old)
    • Stage 2: Autonomy(自主) v.s. Shame and Doubt (1 ~ 3 years old)
      • Overprotective or ridiculing parents may cause the latter one
    • Stage 3: Initiative v.s. Guilt(罪惡) (3 ~ 5 years old)
      • Guilt: may occur if parents criticize, discourage their children
    • Stage 4: Industry(勤勞) v.s. Inferiority(自卑) (6 ~ 12 years old)
    • Stage 5: Identity(認同) v.s. Confusion(角色混淆) (adolescence)
      • Who am I ?
    • Stage 6: Intimacy v.s. Isolation (young adulthood)
    • Stage 7: Generativity v.s. Stagnation (middle adulthood)
    • Stage 8: Integrity v.s. Despair (late adulthood)
  • Focus on parenting: parenting styles
    • Parent's Responsiveness
      Parent's Demandingness Demanding
      民主型 權威型
      Low in control
      溺愛型 忽視型
    • Five flavors of parenting
      • Native American: 土生土長美式很棒棒、愛與關懷、開放
      • Africa American: 忠誠、尊敬長者
      • Hispanic: 好嚴格
      • Asian American: 對 elder children 比較嚴格,要有遠大目標
      • Arab American: 順從、尊敬長者

How do we develop morals ?

  • Kohlberg’s three levels of moral development
    • Preconventional moral reasoning 道德成規前期: moral thinking based on consequences on one’s actions (7~10 years old)
      • 避免懲罰
      • 贏得獎賞、強調報酬
    • Conventional moral reasoning 道德循規期: reasoning based one desire to please others or to follow accepted rules and values (10~16 years old)
      • 贏得讚許、避免被反對
      • 被”法律秩序”規範
    • Postconventional moral reasoning 道德自律期: (16~ years old)

How do we acquire language ?

  • Cooing 發出咕咕聲 (6~8 weeks)
  • Babble 牙牙學語: some simple consonants (7 months)
  • Single-word stage
  • Telegraphic speech 電報式語言 (e.g. want cookie)
  • After age 2, language development accelerates quickly

How do we learn to think ?

  • Assimilation 同化
  • Accommodation 適應
  • Piaget’s stage of cognitive development
    • Sensorimotor stage 感覺運思期 (0~2 years)
      • Object permanence 物體不滅
    • Preoperational stage 前運思期 (2~7 years)
      • 重視靜止的訊息,無法考慮轉換的過程(果汁問題 => 液面高所以果汁較多)
      • Egocentric: 無法從不同位置看事物 (三山問題)
    • Concrete operational stage 具體運思期 (7~11 years)
      • 可逆
      • 守恆
    • Formal operational stage 形式運思期 (11~ years)